Growing up ice cream was always a thing. Soft serve was my favorite. My dad liked rocky road or New York Super Fudge Chunk, or NYSFC for short. He is a loyal man and prefers Ben and Jerry's over most. Ice cream, or 'scream', as he did and still does call it was never in short supply. I have always been partial to east coast ice cream, even the crappy stuff. I mean has anyone else ever had the Red Sox Ice Cream, with tiny chocolate sox, chocolate ice cream, and fudge? Generally I am an ice cream purist, but this, if they even still make it, is insane in the best kind of way. I don't know why it's taken me so long to put my (it's not really mine, but for the time being successfully commandeered) Ice Cream maker to use.
But now that I've started I don't know if I can stop.
Today I made a list of potential future 'scream' flavors on the dry erase board that's sitting on my kitchen counter. In addition, there's also a note that says: create positivity! because sometimes you need that too. In the last five minutes while writing this I have also contemplated putting on Christmas music...twice. I think it has something to do with the ice cream I made and ate yesterday, or how I really want it to snow.
I am very sad all the ice cream is gone.
Salted Rye Ice Cream
I played with a couple different recipes and only used a little over a tablespoon of Rye, but you can use up to three tablespoons according to most people, and still end up with ice cream. Also the alcohol helps give the ice cream a softer texture, which I like. I made a custard (egg based base). I like the cream cheese version too, but I didn't have any. I used brown sugar too, because the caramel notes complement the rye, and mostly because I was low on the white stuff. Ice cream is pretty forgiving if you are down to experiment with the outcome. Part science, part experiment, and most certainly delicious.
Get ready for ice cream everyone, lots and lots of ice cream.