Thursday, July 21, 2011


When it's 100 degrees by day, the only thing to do at night is eat strawberries.  I think that I am almost
too late for them, but since I refuse to let go of the fact that strawberry time is coming to a close, I attempted to make strawberry shortcake from scratch on Sunday.  Baking attempt #1-- homemade biscuits.

Step#1 Strawberries. Easy. Slice and slightly macerated with some FallFlower honey from Waide's honey in upstate New York.  I am sure any honey is fine, but to me that's like saying maple syrup from any place other than Vermont is "fine".  It is for most, but as a New Englander, I am not as easily convinced.

Step#2. Whipped Cream. Easy. Whip with some sugar. My friend took control of this part and she nailed it.
Step#3 BISCUITS.  This is the important part right?  I used Moosewood Dessert Recipe for Fluffy Sweet Biscuits.

However, despite the very descriptive and straightforward recipe tittle, my biscuits where neither fluffy nor sweet. While I wasn't too disappointed with the latter of the two (they went will with our chilli too as a result!), I was hopping for a little more fluff.   I can't blame the recipe though and I did learn my first important baking lesson. Read the recipe!   Seriously. While I am sure everyone else knows this, if I had, I probably would have not forgotten to cut the butter into the dry ingredients.  I was just so excited to get to the eating part I suppose my eyes just skipped a beat.

Luckily, when you add the butter into the whole mess of things at the end, the biscuits still taste fine they are just visually and texturally less appealing.  Overall I think it was a good first attempt at biscuit baking. Also in my experience when you add a lot of honey soaked strawberries, fresh whipped creme, friends, and summertime a little less fluff mostly goes unnoticed.

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